We offer Untrackedshipping for all orders below $30, all orders above this amount will be eligible for free shipping. Items are posted from Melbourne, depending on the location of the buyer, most parcels are delivered within 3-14 business days.
Untracked Shipping - $5.00 FREE over $30 ( 3 - 14 Business Days)
Standard shipping with tracking - $10.00 (3 - 7 business days)
Express shipping with tracking - $15.00 (1 - 7 business days)
Local Drop off - $5.00 (Free over $30)
We also offer Click & Collect
We ship around the world. All orders over $200 will be eligible for free shipping.
New Zealand Shipping - $18.50 (FREE over $150)
International shipping - $30.50 (FREE over $200)
Due to unexpected events, there may be temporary delays in receiving your order. So please use the information provided as estimates.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us on our Contact Us page.